For courses in Introduction to Business
An introduction to business text can be comprehensive without being overly complex and overwhelmingand this text proves it! Business in Action, Seventh Edition is uniquely positioned to help todays students become tomorrows focused, highly productive business professionals. It is the only introduction to business text that emphasizes efficient, focused, objectives-driven learning in every aspect. This new Seventh Edition takes efficiency and student-friendly design to an entirely new level, with more than 150 Figures That Teach. MyBizLab provides a seamless synergy with the text to create a dynamic learning program that enables you to learn both in and out of the classroom.
Teaching and Learning Experiences
Use a program that presents a better teaching and learning experiencefor you.
- Personalize learning with MyBizLab: Get inspired by the exchange of new ideas, intriguing discussions, and abundant resources found in MyBizLab.
- Use an objective-driven structure to learn and retain information: Every chapter is organized into six segments and paired with clear learning objectives to help you retain complex material.
- Build skills, awareness, and insight with strong pedagogy tools: Reinforce key introductory business concepts with end-of-chapter materials, Behind the Scenes chapter-opening vignettes, critical thinking questions, and case studies.
You are purchasing a standalone product; MyBizLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab search for ISBN-10: 0-13-381058-5.