Newspeak, Doublethink, Big Brother, the Thought Police - the language of 1984 has passed into the English language as a symbol of the horrors of totalitarianism. George Orwell's story of Winston Smith's fight against the all-pervading Party has become a classic, not the least because of its intellectual coherence. First published in 1949, it retains as much relevance today as it had then.
1984 George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four - Paperback
$13.14 - $18.56
- UPC:
- 9786057462220
- Maximum Purchase:
- 2 units
- Binding:
- Staple Bound
- Publication Date:
- 1/1/1949
- Author:
- George Orwell
- Language:
- English: Published
- Pages:
- 0