A Book of Images: Drawn by W. T. Horton & Introduced by W. B. Yeats

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William Butler Yeats
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England, which has made great Symbolic A rt, most people dislike an art if they are told it is symbolic, for they confuse symbol and allegory. Even Johnson s Dictionary sees no great difference, for it calls a Symbol That which comprehends in its figure a representation of something else; and an A llegory, A figurative discourse, in which something other is intended than is contained in the words literally taken. It is only a very modern Dictionary that calls a Symbol The sign or representation of any moral thing by the images or properties of natural) things, which, though an imperfect definition, is not unlike The things below are as the things above of theJE merald Tablet of Hermes! The Faery Queen and The Pilgrims Progress have been so important in England that Allegory has overtopped Symbolism, and for a time has overwhelmed it in its own downfall.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)

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