A Brief Guide to Writing from Readings (7th Edition)

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Stephen Wilhoit
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NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product. MyWritingLab does not come packed with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyWritingLab, search for ISBN-10: 0134118715 / ISBN-13: 9780134118710. This includes ISBN-10: 0133800334 / ISBN-13: 9780133800333, ISBN-10: 0133944131 / ISBN-13: 9780133944136, and ISBN-10: 013394414X / ISBN-13: 9780133944143.

MyWritingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

For college courses in Writing Across the Curriculum (Composition) and Research Writing (Composition)

Mastering the art of critical essay writing

A Brief Guide to Writing from Readings is a clear, process-oriented guide to academic writing. The guide covers the subtleties of rhetorical analysis and argumentation strategies as well as the technical aspects of writing with sources. Students will learn first to examine texts critically and then to clearly, accurately and creatively respond in essay form. In-text tools including summary charts and revision checklists help students tackle source-based essays step by step. Instructors will rely on the guide as a one-stop reference tool; students can apply their learning to any discipline, whether for class work or independent study.

In the Seventh Edition, in response to student and faculty feedback, Wilhoit includes a new chapter on analyzing readings and composing analytical essays; more coverage of literary analysis and a new short story; eight academic readings; and expanded coverage of how to cite electronic sources in APA and MLA style.

Also available with MyWritingLab
This text is also available with MyWritingLab an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that provides engaging experiences for teaching and learning. Flexible and easily customizable, MyWritingLab helps improve students writing through context-based learning. Whether through self-study or instructor-led learning, MyWritingLab supports and complements course work.