For more than 150 years, Hans Christian Andersens beloved fairy tales have charmed and entertained audiences around the world. Blending old folk tales with fantasy, the Danish bards stories are rich in humor and sharp with irony. The forty-seven fables in this beautifully translated collection tell of kings and princesses, of farm boys and mermaids, of witches and ogres. Some of the taleslike The Little Match Girl and The Emperors New Clotheswe know by heart. Otherslike The Jumpers and The Flying Trunkare sure to become instant favorites. Packed with memorable characters (who could forget the Ugly Duckling or the Little Mermaid?), Andersens fairy tales have withstood the test of time, delighting generation after generation of children and adultsand they promise to remain bedtime favorites for centuries to come
Translated by Pat Shaw Iversen
With a New Introduction
And an Afterword by Joanne Greenberg
Illustrated with line drawings