Brjula para navegantes emocionales / A Compass for Emotional Voyagers (Spanish Edition)

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Elsa Punset
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Conocerse a uno mismo permite descubrir las fuentes de nuestra felicidad, nuestra ira y nuestro dolor para poder convivir armoniosa y plenamente con nosotros mismos y con los dems.

En el fondo instintivo de nuestro ser, no pensamos, sentimos. Estamos hechos de emociones. A lo largo de los siglos nos habamos esforzado en encerrarlas en sistemas de vida ordenados y represivos. Ante su dictado solo caba resignarse o rebelarse. Actualmente vivimos en un mundo que nos abruma con tentaciones y decisiones mltiples y tenemos que decidir en soledad quines somos y por qu nos merece la pena vivir. Esta nueva libertad reclama la adquisicin de una brjula que nos permita navegar con inteligencia emocional por los cauces imprevisibles de nuestras vidas.

Este libro recorre las distintas etapas de maduracin emocional y social del ser humano no solo como individuo, sino tambin en relacin a las personas que conforman nuestro entorno: padres, hijos, pareja, compaeros, amigos... En el siglo XXI las emociones, gracias a las puertas que ha abierto la neurociencia, pueden catalogarse, comprenderse e incluso gestionarse: son la llave de nuestro centro neurlgico, llmese cerebro, alma, conciencia o libre alberdro.

La crtica ha dicho...
Uno de los mejores libros de divulgacin cientfica del ao.
El Mundo


In the instinctive depths of our being, we dont think; we feel. We are made of emotions. Throughout the centuries, we have fought to shut these emotions up in organized, repressive systems of living. When faced with their mandates, one can only resign oneself or rebel. Currently, we live in a world that overwhelms us with temptations and multiple choices, and we have to decide in solitude who we are and why living is worthwhile. This new freedom demands a compass that allows us to navigate with emotional intelligence through the unpredictable channels of our lives.

This book goes through human beings different stages of emotional and social maturity, not only as individuals, but also in relation to the people who make up our environment: parents, children, partners, colleagues, friends, etc. In the 21st century, thanks to the gates that neuroscience has opened to us, emotions can be classified, understood, and even managed: they are the key to our nerve center, whether you call it brain, soul, consciousness, or free will.

Elsa Punset composes an essential work in which she unites her own experience with formal research to tackle the most relevant topics in raising children, those that will determine their adult personalities, and the role that feelings play in this process. This is a manual that offers us the indispensable keys to avoid capsizing in times of rough weather. An irreplaceable compass for emotional voyagers.