Public Relations Writing: Form & Style (with Errata Sheet)
$30.86 - $35.50 -
Cengage Learning
The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics, and the Internet (with InfoTrac)
$13.51 - $90.03 -
Cengage Advantage Books: Audio Basics
$176.58 - $451.15 -
Clemens of the Call: Mark Twain in San Francisco
$39.76 - $300.00 -
Cengage Learning
Mass Media Research: An Introduction (with InfoTrac) (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism)
$13.57 - $300.00 -
Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media
$48.45 - $57.84 -
Sight Sound Motion: Applied Media Aesthetics (with InfoTrac)
$24.61 - $47.70 -