Acupuncture and Moxibustion are indispensable parts of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of disease. Since the founding of the Peoples' Republic of China, these arts have been developed and are highly regarded by the international academic community. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features of the traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice. The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion was compilted by the International Acupuncture Training Centers and Acupuncture Institute of China, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on commission of the Ministry of Public Health.
Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion (3rd Edition, 18th Printing, January 2017)
Great Wall Bookstore, Las Vegas
$219.22 - $300.00
- UPC:
- 9787119059945
- Maximum Purchase:
- 3 units
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- Publication Date:
- 2010-05-04
- Release Date:
- 2010-05-04
- Author:
- Cheng Xinnong
- Language:
- english
- Edition:
- 3rd Edition, 18th Printing, January 2017