A knowledge of human behavior helps us understand ourselves, our actions, our motives, our feelings, and our aspirations
Communication and Human Behavior offers the reader a broad and colorful landscape of the field, outlines the history of communication study, and focuses on communication as a basic life process. The publication emphasizes that communication is a fundamental life process that is necessary to our lives as individuals and to our relationships, groups, organizations, cultures, and societies by drawing on a number of disciplinary perspectives (communication, psychology, political science, etc.).
Communication and Human Behavior by Brent Ruben, Lea Stewart, & Brian Householder:
- Focuses on communication as a basic life process
- Examines the role of communication in multiple contexts of human life, including individual relationships, groups, organizations, cultural/intercultural, and public and mass communication.
- Features research profiles from eminent scholars in the field of communication today. These individuals represent the state-of-the-art in current communication research in a variety of areas ranging from health care to mediated communication to intercultural issues.