This title is only available as a loose-leaf version with Pearson eText.
This comprehensive, balance approach to multicultural education gives pre- and in-service teachers a look at the different types of diversity, plus practical teaching strategies and tools delivered through lesson plans and cases and vignettes of actual classroom teachers and students. The new Eighth Edition of Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practicepresents a comprehensive framework integrating four interactive dimensions of multicultural education; presents an accessible overview of contemporary immigration; and updates and improves many f the helpful in-text features which made the previous editions so popular, including the case studies, census data, graphics, maps, photos, and Selected Sources for further Study.
0133831027 / 9780133831023 Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice, Loose-Leaf Version with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
0133522296 / 9780133522297 Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice, Loose-Leaf Version
0133523225 / 9780133523225 Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice, Pearson eText -- Access Card