Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers
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The Making of a Rag Doll: Design & Sew Modern Heirlooms
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Gardiner Wendy
The Sewing Machine Accessory Bible: Get the Most Out of Your Machine---From Using Basic Feet to Mastering Specialty Feet
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Singer Sewing Book
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Brand: Portfolio Press (NY)
A Closetful of Doll Clothes: For 11 1/2 Inch, 14-Inch, 18-Inch and 20-Inch Dolls (Creative Crafters)
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David & Charles
The Upholstery Bible: Complete Step-by-Step Techniques for Professional Results
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David & Charles
Making Luna Lapin: Sew and dress Luna, a quiet and kind rabbit with impeccable taste (Luna Lapin, 1)
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