Crystal Broadcasting: Using Crystals to Remove Blocks & Barriers

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Anne Brewer
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Crystal Broadcasting is a metaphysical cookbook. It provides simple recipes for removing undesirable behaviors, enabling us to release the god or goddess embryo that resides inside us. We may have a vision of our potential perfection, but it gets lost among the daily pressures that stimulate negative rather than positive responses. As the pace of life quickens, the mounting strain takes its toll, exacerbating negative reactions that might be easier to control during calmer moments. Broadcasting with crystals offers an extremely simple and effective healing modality for removing tiresome negative behaviors. Good habits can replace bad habits -- New Years resolutions can become a reality!

Everyone has behaviors they want to eliminate. Some of these behaviors are annoying while others are life-threatening. For example, you might be quite aware of a habit of impatience. You may experience it multiple times and always regret losing your cool or making a quick but inaccurate assumption. Despite your dislike of your behavior and your resolution to change it, impatience surfaces again and again. Other types of undesirable behaviors are more insidious and more difficult to hide from others or control. These are categorized as addictions or obsessions. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs are typical of the types of persistent addictive behaviors that affect health, relationships, financial security, and perhaps even careers. Obsessions are equally harmful because they cause us to fixate over someone or something, eradicating any possibility of balance or harmony in life.

Whether annoying or life-threatening, most people want to alter their negative behaviors. Yet, despite the desire to improve, we tend to perpetuate these behaviors. We know the behavior, and we do not want it. Yet, it continues to persist, sometimes after years of therapy. In fact, we might become so discouraged by persistent negative habits that we learn to adapt to them. Its the old motto If you cant beat em, join em. Or, we may even ignore them, determining that we will solve the problem by surrounding ourselves with people who either have high tolerance levels or mirror our same behavior. Why do we seem to get stuck with unwanted behaviors, despite our desire to change? The answer lies in the way we are structured.

Human beings consist of more energy than matter. In fact, we are comprised of 99.9% empty space and .1% molecular structure. The quantum physicists have proven that we are primarily constructed of energy rather than matter. In alternative therapies, the energy is called the aura or subtle bodies. In science, the energy is called the electromagnetic field. If we consist mostly of an energy field, we have the capacity to alter our behaviors by changing our energy vibration. Since we are composed mainly of empty space, it is easy to repattern our energy blueprint. We just need to know how to do it. Our molecules respond very quickly to vibrations like light, sound, and color by altering patterns. Repatterning is just like asking an architect to renovate a house, altering the original blueprint to create a new living space. In Crystal Broadcasting, you will learn how to use the energy vibration of crystals to repattern yourself. Crystals are just like positive intentions that have been frozen. They hold a specific energy pattern that can be broadcasted for you until you, yourself, are able to fully embrace the upgraded behavior.

Crystal Broadcasting is based on the assumption that we pick up energetic patterns that may serve us at one point in our life but eventually outgrow their usefulness. Or, they may have never really served us but seemed like the best idea at the time. In his book Surfers of the Zuvuya, Jos Argelles describes the human energy field as a wave form. Our wave form picks up static cling as we move through our life experiences. Static might come in the form of negative messages experienced as a child, e.g., youre a mess, youre acting like an idiot, you cant do anything right, that result in compensatory behaviors in adulthood that do not get us what we really want. Or static might occur when we learn safe behaviors, e.g., complying with authority figures like teachers or bosses, and these ingrained behavioral responses might conflict with our desire to be something else, perhaps a forward-thinker and a creative problem-solver.

Most people are trained to employ mind over matter to facilitate change. We try to alter our physical situation rather than changing our energy blueprint and allowing physical change to follow suit. The architect creates the plan before, not after, renovating the house! As an extreme example, I knew someone who was very obese so he was always trying new diets. After years of unsuccessful dieting (mind over matter), he had part of his stomach stapled to limit his food intake, and he dropped over one hundred pounds. But, when the doctor removed the staples, my friend began eating again. He had not changed his energy blueprint that relied on food for emotional fulfillment. It might have been more productive for him to focus on the emotional discord that promoted his excessive eating. Overeating could have been resolved by first repatterning unwanted energy vibrations in order to create new habits.

Crystal Broadcasting combines the use of crystals, affirmations, and sacred geometry to create a powerful healing process. The crystals broadcast the intended desire, just like crystals are used in radio broadcasting because of their excellent transmitting capabilities. The affirmations identify the New Years resolution that requires broadcasting. The sacred geometry, called a Universal Symbol, models the affirmations so the universe can interpret and support them. The Universal Symbol holds the creation codes of the universe, as explained in books on sacred geometry. Since we are electromagnetic fields of energy, we can broadcast any frequency with which we resonate. Based on the law of attraction, our dominant frequencies are matched with corresponding vibrations. That is why, for example, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer or birds of a feather flock together. Crystal Broadcasting explains the energy make-up of the human body, the law of attraction! , and the crystal broadcasting process that overrides unwanted negative vibrations in order to help us get what we want.

As a metaphysical coach and healer, I have helped many people alter their toxic behavior patterns by repatterning the root cause of their disorders. My background as a vice president of marketing in the telecommunications field and my role as president of my own marketing consulting firm enable me to blend my intuitive information with a disciplined and grounded approach that makes sense to people. In my healing practice, I am continually encountering people who are anxious to do their own clearing work. However, they do not always have the tools to work on their own issues. Crystal Broadcasting is my effort to share some tools so that you can take your healing process into your own hands.

No one wants to be less than they can be. When people are provided with an effective healing tool, the majority wholeheartedly embrace that tool if it clears unwanted behaviors. People desire freedom from their bad habits. They enjoy saving the time and expense spent on a cadre of healing practitioners that might not always reach the root of the problem. They relish the self-empowerment that occurs when able to heal themselves. Crystal Broadcasting provides recipes that the average, non-psychic person can follow, recipes that create savory results.