This childhood classic was first published in 1904, and tells the simple, charming story of four young girls and their adventures in the pioneer town of Marquette, MI. The story begins when the girls pull all of the dandelions from the lawn of the cottage behind the local church and thereby obtain the right to use the cottage as their playhouse for the summer. This is a very wholesome and charming tale that has withstood the test of time. The real-life Dandelion Cottage that the story is based upon still exists in Marquette.
Dandelion Cottage
Brand: Marquette County
- UPC:
- 9780938746003
- Maximum Purchase:
- 3 units
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- Publication Date:
- 1977-06-01
- Author:
- Carroll W. Rankin
- Language:
- english
- Edition:
- 4