En esta entrega de la serie Padre Rico, Robert T. Kiyosaki expone los valores ocultos de los negocios de mercadeo en red, esto es, sus muchos beneficios... aparte de generar dinero!
En este libro aprender que los negocios de mercadeo en red:
Ofrecen una manera revolucionaria de alcanzar la riqueza;
permiten a cualquier persona obtener una gran fortuna;
estn al alcance de cualquier individuo con vigor, determinacin y perseverancia.
Learn the Eight Hidden Values of a Network Marketing Business, other than Making Money! Understand why the word network is valued by the rich. Here, Kiyosaki will reveal the quickest way to build a B Quadrant Business, and why the word network is so powerful to the rich. In this Second Edition of his best-selling book, Robert T. Kiyosaki updates and expands on his original eight hidden values of a network marketing business.
En este libro aprender que los negocios de mercadeo en red:
Ofrecen una manera revolucionaria de alcanzar la riqueza;
permiten a cualquier persona obtener una gran fortuna;
estn al alcance de cualquier individuo con vigor, determinacin y perseverancia.
Learn the Eight Hidden Values of a Network Marketing Business, other than Making Money! Understand why the word network is valued by the rich. Here, Kiyosaki will reveal the quickest way to build a B Quadrant Business, and why the word network is so powerful to the rich. In this Second Edition of his best-selling book, Robert T. Kiyosaki updates and expands on his original eight hidden values of a network marketing business.