Ferris Differential Diagnosis is a quick reference to the differential diagnosis, etiology, and classification of clinical disorders, signs, and symptoms. Dr. Fred F. Ferrithe respected best-selling authorpresents over 1000 signs, symptoms, and clinical disorders. Comprehensive yet small enough to fit in your pocket, this portable guide is a rapid resource for everything you see in daily practicefrom abdominal distension to Zenkers Diverticulum.
- Quickly locate the information you need with an organization that presents differential diagnosis by sign and symptom as well as disorder.
- Easily identify the likeliest diagnosis through diagnostic possibilities listed in order of incidence.
- Tap into the authoritative guidance of Dr. Fred Ferri, the respected expert responsible for best-selling titles such as Ferris Clinical Advisor, Ferris Fast Facts, and Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient.
- Apply the differential diagnosis of over 100 new signs, symptoms, and clinical disorders.