From Conflict to Collaboration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving Problems in Everyday Relationships

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Mascolo Ph.D., Michael F.
English: Published; English: Original Language; English
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"One of the very best books on conflict management!" - Reader review ___ Discover how you can improve your relationships and learn a step-by-step approach to solving problems in all kinds of relationships, whether those relationships involve others with whom you are intimate, family members, neighbors, people at work - just about anyone! Do you find yourself in conflict with your spouse or significant other? Are there people at work with whom you'd like to get along better? The trick to resolving conflict is to view everyday disagreements not as competitions to be won or lost, but instead as shared problems to be solved together. When you do this, you can begin to engage in collaborative problem-solving -- a proven process that works to resolve conflict between people, within organizations and even between nations. From Conflict to Collaboration describes four steps to resolving conflict that actually work - for all parties involved! First, treat the other person as, well, a person, and not as an enemy. Try to see that the other person -- like you -- is someone with needs, fears and vulnerabilities of their own. Cultivate compassion. Second, instead of arguing over who is right and who is wrong (something that almost never works), identify the needs and fears of each person in the conflict. When you do that, you will have exposed the problem that needs to be solved. Third, once you have identified the problem -- the shared problem of meeting each other's unmet needs -- work together to brainstorm new ways to meet those needs. Finally, create a novel, shared solution that meets the needs of each party to the conflict at the same time. This book reads like a conversation with your best friend -- the one who is tolerant of your foibles, understanding of your feelings, but not afraid to present you with a whole new perspective on your relationships. It leads the reader away from familiar experiences of "win-win" and "giving-in-for-a quiet-life" perspectives on interpersonal conflict. It offers a carefully constructed approach to achieving maximum personal and relational gain within a conflict situation. Using clearly described dialogical processes, the author offers the reader the courage and strength to hear and to be heard above the shouting, by recognizing and acknowledging the mutual needs and interests that underpin and drive conflicts. Order your copy today and become a master at solving conflict!