Be prepared. Get certified. REA's new guide helps you master the FTCE, General Knowledge!
New from REA is a detailed test preparation guide that helps candidates succeed on the FTCE General Knowledge Exam. Each of the four subtests is reviewed in detail: Essay, English with Skills, Mathematics, and Reading. Also inside are three full-length practice tests with detailed explanations to all answers, a study schedule to fit lifestyle, and test-taking drills and strategies to help you pass with confidence on test day.
- Written by leading specialists in teacher education.
- Comprehensive multi-subject reviews
- 3 full-length practice tests
- Features every type of question, every subject area, and every skill that can be expected on the actual exam
- Each exam question is fully explained in easy-to-follow, step-by-step detail.
- Adaptable study schedule that fits your lifestyle.
New from REA is a detailed test preparation guide that helps candidates succeed on the FTCE General Knowledge Exam. Each of the four subtests is reviewed in detail: Essay, English with Skills, Mathematics, and Reading. Also inside are three full-length practice tests with detailed explanations to all answers, a study schedule to fit lifestyle, and test-taking drills and strategies to help you pass with confidence on test day.
- Written by leading specialists in teacher education.
- Comprehensive multi-subject reviews
- 3 full-length practice tests
- Features every type of question, every subject area, and every skill that can be expected on the actual exam
- Each exam question is fully explained in easy-to-follow, step-by-step detail.
- Adaptable study schedule that fits your lifestyle.