Turn to Fundamental Neuroscience for a thorough, clinically relevant understanding of this complicated subject! Integrated coverage of neuroanatomy, physiology, and pharmacology, with a particular emphasis on systems neurobiology, effectively prepares you for your courses, exams, and beyond.
- Easily comprehend and retain complex material thanks to the expert instruction of Professor Duane Haines, recipient of the Henry Gray/Elsevier Distinguished Teacher Award from the American Association of Anatomists and the Distinguished Teacher Award from the Association of American Colleges.
- Access the complete contents online at www.studentconsult.com, plus 150 USMLE-style review questions, sectional images correlated with the anatomical diagrams within the text, and more.
- Grasp important anatomical concepts and their clinical applications thanks to correlated state-of-the-art imaging examples, anatomical diagrams, and histology photos.
- Retain key information and efficiently study for your exams with clinical highlights integrated and emphasized within the text.