If you want to read the iconic grandeur of the King James Version Bible side-by-side with the wealth of amplifications and alternate renderings found in the Amplified Bible, then youll love the KJV and Amplified Side-by-Side Bible. By setting these two versions together, this Bible allows you to instantly compare these two Bible versions. The King James Version was created to offer the best possible combination of authenticity and accessibility to the 17th-century English audience for whom it was designed. The Amplified Bible also prioritizes authenticity but, to improve accessibility, it augments the text with a wealth of explanatory alternate readings and amplifications.
The timeless, classic and beloved language of the King James Version.
The helpful amplifications and alternate word and phrase renderings within the Amplified Bible.
Double-column format
Translation Prefaces
Words of Christ in red (KJV Only)
KJV Concordance
8-point type