Did you know that plants and plant products can be used to improve peoples cognitive, physical, psychological, and social functioning? Well, they can, and Horticulture as Therapy is the book to show you how! If you are already familiar with the healing potential of horticultural therapy, or even practice horticultural therapy, this book will help you enrich your knowledge and skills and revitalize your practice. You will learn how horticultural therapy can be used with different populations in a variety of settings, what resources are available, effective treatment strategies, and the concepts behind horticultural treatment.The first comprehensive text on the practice of horticulture as therapy, this one-of-a-kind book will enable the profession to educate future horticultural therapists with fundamental knowledge and skills as they embark on careers as practitioners, researchers, and educators. You come to understand the relationship between people and plants more deeply as you learn about:
- vocational, social, and therapeutic programs in horticulture
- special populations including children, older adults, those who exhibit criminal behavior, and those with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health disorders, or traumatic brain injury
- use of horticultural therapy in botanical gardening and community settings
- adaptive gardening techniques
- applied research
- documentation and assessment in horticultural practice