Inspired by Ayn Rand's characters in Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, penetrating profiles of both the innovators who move our world forward and those who seek to destroy the achievement of others
John Galt, the fictional character from Ayn Rand's bestselling novel, Atlas Shrugged, has come to embody the individualist capitalist who acts in his own enlightened self interest, and in doing so lifts the world around him. Some of today's most successful CEOs, journalists, sports figures, actors, and thinkers have led their lives according to Galt's (i.e., Rand's) philosophy.
Now, in I Am John Galt, these inspiring stories are gathered with the keen insight and analysis of well-known market commentator Donald Luskin and business writer Andrew Greta. Filled with exclusive interviews, profiles, and analyses of leading financial, business, and artistic stars who have based their lives, and careers, on the philosophy of the perennially popular Ayn Rand, this book both inspires and enlightens. On the other side are Rand's arch villains?the power-seekers, parasites, and lunatics who would destroy that which the creators and builders make. Who are today's anti-heroes, fighting the creativity of the innovators?
- Contains insightful interviews, profiles, and analyses of the individuals who have lived by a Randian code to achieve greatness for themselves and others
- Offers a probing analysis of those who seek to destroy or undo the achievements of others?from academics, pundits, and government bureaucrats to fraudsters who have wreaked havoc on our world
Engaging and entertaining, I Am John Galt examines how the inspiration that is Galt thrives more than 50 years after publication of Atlas Shrugged. It will spark the interest of Ayn Rand fans everywhere, as well as those seeking a way to succeed in today's turbulent and confusing times.
From the Authors: How to Learn from Rands Heroes--The Fictional Ones and The Real-Life Ones
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Are you looking for a concrete plan to put the value system of Rands heroes to work in your own life? Allison has written one for you, by identifying and articulating BB&Ts 10 core values. You dont have to work there to put those values to work in your life. Do it on your own, and then put yourself through the ongoing process that all BB&T employees experience: Every six months, give yourself a rigorous self-evaluation based on how youve measured up to the values.
From Bill Gates you learn that you must love your work and devote yourself to it fully. When fate offered the opportunity to build the operating system that would underlie almost every personal computer in the world, Gatess competitor, who was in a much better position to grab the opportunity, went on vacation. Gates didnt. You might say he became the richest man in the world simply because he didnt take a vacation on one particular day.
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From Steve Jobs you learn that your work is your own in every sense. Do the work you love, and love the work you do. Dont think about the moneyfollow your passion, give it everything youve got, do it your way, and money will come. If it doesnt, it surely wouldnt have if youd spent the same energies compromising. And dont think about all the other people; ignore the bureaucrats and the naysayers, and shrug off the critics who think youre a single-minded monster. If you have passion for something, there will be enough other people out there who will share that passion if you just wait for them to find you.
From T. J. Rodgers you learn that the passion and excellence you bring to your work can infuse your whole life. If you can do one thing well, then youre the kind of person who can do things wellso you can do lots of things well. Do so, and dont settle for less. Work only with people who are the same way. Dont waste too much time being nice to incompetentsmove on; surround yourself with people who care as much as you do, and who will work as hard as you will.
You can also learn from Rodgers not to be afraid to speak out. Sure, in todays culture dominated by media all too eager to tear down people of achievement and fame, and in a political environment soaked in implicit and explicit obeisance to principles of collectivism, you can feel like a pariah if you speak up for freedom, for individualism, or even for achievement. But Rodgers gets away with speaking his mind, and so can you. His secret weapon? Its the utterly guilt-free and fear-free confidence that he is right. That can be your secret weapon, too. Just dont feel guilty about believing what you believe.