Mr. Murakamis novels are filled with entertaining psychopaths." -- The New York Times From postmodern Renaissance man Ryu Murakami, master of the psychothriller and director of Tokyo Decadence, comes this hair-raising roller-coaster ride through the nefarious neon-lit world of Tokyos sex industry It's just before New Year, and Frank, an American tourist, has hired Kenji to take him on a guided tour of Tokyo's nightlife. But, Frank's behaviour is so odd that Kenji begins to entertain a horrible suspicion: his client may in fact have murderous desires. Although Kenji is far from innocent himself, he unwillingly descends with Frank into an inferno of evil, from which only his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Jun, can possibly save him.
In the Miso Soup
Penguin Books
$19.53 - $26.20
- UPC:
- 9780143035695
- Maximum Purchase:
- 2 units
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 3/28/2006
- Release Date:
- 3/28/2006
- Author:
- Murakami, Ryu
- Language:
- English: Published; English: Original Language; English
- Pages:
- 224