Ideal for teaching international lawyers about the of law, this coursebook uses a global perspective to put the basic principles of legal reasoning, writing, and research into context.
To effectively teach analysis and communication within the U.S. legal system, the authors present:
- material that can be easily adapted to a one-semester or two-semester writing course, using a one chapter/one idea concept
- a building-block approach to legal analysis based on the common law—each chapter focuses on a key concept that builds on what had been covered in the previous chapter
- tailored topical coverage that includes:
- a concise introduction to the U.S. legal system, the common law as U.S. precedent, and the anatomy of a U.S. lawsuit
- practical guidance for law study in the United States, including how to brief a case for class and other suggestions about the law school classroom
- a special chapter on plagiarism, a particularly troublesome aspect of writing for ESL students
- instruction on drafting client letters and demand letters, including effective word, phrasing, and structural choices for emphasis
- an overview of statutory interpretation theories
- coverage of drafting both fact-based and law-based issue discussions
- citation rules, including citing to international and online materials
- chapters on the U.S. approach to drafting contracts, emphasizing international transactions
- techniques for taking law school examinations
- engaging examples and exercises
- a glossary of terms
To prepare international lawyers for practice in the U.S. legal system, use the coursebook that employs basic coverage, solid pedagogy, and a multicultural perspective.