KaplansASVAB 2015 Strategies, Practice, and Review with 4 Practice Testsis a print + online study system that prepares you to succeed on the ASVAB and AFQT, including Word Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, General Science, Mechanical Comprehension, and more.
KaplansASVAB 2015 Strategies, Practice, and Reviewincludes:
- 4 full-length ASVAB practice tests with detailed explanations: 3in the book and 1online
- 500+ realistic practice questions with explanations
- Detailed math and vocabulary review
- Content review for each of the subjects covered on the ASVAB and AFQT tests
- New! Study on the go with mobile enabled online practice testwith detailed score reporting
Kaplan helps individuals achieve their educational and career goals to buildfutures, one success story at a time.