Let's Cook Spanish, A Family Cookbook: Vamos a Cocinar Espanol, Recetas Para Toda la Familia (English and Spanish Edition)

Quarry Books

$21.10 - $300.00
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Llamas, Gabriela
English: Published; Spanish: Published; English: Original Language; English; Spanish
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Explore the art and joy of Spanish food, language, and culture with your family. This vibrantly illustrated bilingual cookbook collects 30 of the most classic, traditional Spanish dishesfrom tapas to paellaand optimizes them for your whole family to cook and enjoy together, along with notes on Spanish culture and suggested menus for your next family fiesta. With an emphasis on fresh ingredients and hands-on preparation, notable Spanish chef Gabriela Llamas presents recipes for tapas (small bites) and pinchos (skewered bites), meat and fish, vegetables and salads, as well as sweets. Each left-hand page in English is mirrored in Spanish on the right and food terms are called out bilingually throughout, creating the perfect format for language learning. The special introduction for children explains that Spanish hogar means not only "family house," but also "the hearth"where the fire is. The kitchen, the spiritual center of the house, is the perfect place to learn about the rich sharing culture of Spain. Prepare with your family: Vegetable Cocas, Spanish pizza Chicken in Pepitoria, a traditional dish dating back to the Middle Ages Cold Vegetable Soup, one of Spains most universal dishes Torrijas, Spanish French toast With this interactive cookbook and cultural guide, your child's imagination and creativity will be sparked, as will your deeper connection with them. Also available in this series: Let's Cook French and Let's Cook Italian. Descubra con su familia la alegra y el arte de la cultura, idioma y comida espaolas. Este libro bilinge, con brillantes ilustraciones, recoge ms de 30 recetas clsicas de la cocina tradicional, desde tapas a paella, y las optimiza para su familia de modo que puedan cocinar y disfrutar todos juntos. Incluye notas sobre la cultura espaola y mens para la prxima fiesta familiar. Con nfasis en los productos frescos y la experiencia prctica, la conocida chef Gabriela Llamas presenta recetas para tapas (pequeos bocados) y pinchos (bocados ensartados en palillo), carnes y pescados, verduras y ensaladas as como dulces. Cada pgina en ingls a la izquierda, se encuentra traducida al espaol a la derecha facilitando el aprendizaje del idioma. En la introduccin orientada hacia nios, se explica que en Espaa hogar no significa solo la casa familiar si no el lugar donde se encuentra el fuego, el calor. La cocina, el centro espiritual de la casa, es el lugar perfecto para aprender sobre la generosa cultura espaola de compartir. Prepara con tu familia: cocas de verdura, la pizza espaola pollo en pepitoria, un guiso tradicional que se remonta a la Edad Media Gazpacho o sopa fra de verduras, uno de los platos espaoles ms universales Torrijas, el equivalente espaol a french toast (tostada francesa) Esta gua cultural y libro de cocina interactivo, pondr de relieve y realzar la imaginacin y creatividad de tu hijo. Tambin en esta serie: Lets cook French y Lets cook Italian.