Thoroughly updated and now in full color, the Ninth Edition of the top-selling NCLEX-RN review reflects the current NCLEX test plan and contains more than 5,800 total test questionsincluding alternate-format questionsto help students practice taking the exam. Organized by practice areachildbearing family and neonate, child health, adult medical-surgical, and psychiatric-mental healththe book contains more questions than any other NCLEX-RN review and includes more pharmacology-related questions. The author clearly explains the rationale for correct and incorrect answers. Six comprehensive tests resembling the format of the NCLEX-RN are included.
A bound-in CD-ROM includes over 1,300 questions for additional practice.
A companion Website on thePoint offers instructor and student resources including personal NCLEX study plans and test tips for students, instructor and student PowerPoint presentations, and 250 NCLEX questions for iPod.