For fans of The Okay Witch and Fake Blood, this hilarious middle grade graphic novel follows a half-vampire, half-lumberjack boy who feels torn between his parents and just wants to be a dancer. Jack is in a pickle. His lumberjack mom wants him to go to Mighty Log Lumberjack Prep to learn how to chop wood and wear flannel. His vampire dad wants him to go to Sorrows Gloom Vampire School to learn how to turn into a bat and drink blood-orange juice. And Jack has a secret: what he really wants to do is dance. When he finds out about Tip Tap Twinkle Toes Dance Academy from new friend Plenty, Jack feels hes finally found the place where he can be his true self. But hes too afraid of disappointing his family to tell them. Whats a half-lumberjack, half-vampire boy to do? To summon the confidence to pursue his dreams, Jack will have to embrace every part of himselfhis lumberjack toughness, his vampire eeriness, and most especially his awesome dance moves.