Manhattan Preps 4th Edition GRE Strategy Guides have been redesigned with the student in mind. With updated content and new practice problems, they are the richest, most content-driven GRE materials on the market.
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Written by Manhattan Prep's high-caliber GRE instructors, these strategy guides contain detailed lessons and strategies for all of the question formats that appear on the GRE.
Included in this all-in-one set are books devoted to each of the test's major content areas, including Algebra; Fractions, Decimals, & Percents; Geometry; Number Properties; and Word Problems. The Quantitative Comparisons & Data Interpretation Guide provides students the understanding necessary to attack each of these unique question types. For the verbal section, the Text Completion & Sentence Equivalence Guide provides a comprehensive approach to the GRE's vocabulary questions, while the Reading Comprehension & Essays Guide equips students with the critical tools and strategies needed to master these portions of the test.
Included in this set are:
- The Algebra GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707835)
- The Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707842)
- The Geometry GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707859)
- The Number Properties GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707866)
- The Word Problems GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707903)
- The Quantitative Comparisons & Data Interpretation GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707873)
- The Reading Comprehension & Essays GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707880)
- The Text Completion & Sentence Equivalence GRE Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781937707897)
Purchase of this set includes one year of access to 6 Manhattan Prep online section-adaptive GRE exams.