Mosby's Paramedic Textbook, 3rd Edition, gives you everything you want in a paramedic textbook... and more! Updated, expanded, and packed with valuable new support materials, Mosby's Paramedic Textbook, 3rd Edition, is a comprehensive learning tool for both first time and refresher paramedic students. Offering complete coverage of the 1998 U.S. D.O.T. National Standard Curriculum (NSC) for the EMT-Paramedic, as well as enhanced content for further learning, this comprehensive textbook contains everything in one convenient volume. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details.
- Perfect for review, each chapter includes a bulleted Summary and a list of References.
- Chapter openers set the stage for learning with Objectives and Key Terms with definitions.
- Boxed Critical Thinking questions aid in understanding concepts and how chapter content impacts patient care.
- ALS skills are presented step-by-step in full-color to demonstrate emergency care procedures.
- Detailed, up-to-date content throughout the text, including current AHA algorithms and the 2000 emergency cardiovascular care guidelines. All chapters comply with the 1998 U.S. D.O.T. National Standard Curriculum for the EMT-Paramedic.
- Two new chapters! Life Span Development and Bioterrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
- Two expanded chapters! Injury Prevention, and General Principles of Pathophysiology.
- A new space-efficient design and reorganized table of contents make this edition more student-friendly and easier to read.
- Approximately 150 new illustrations, primarily photographs, accurately present different techniques and skills and are relevant to the material presented in the text. More than 900 illustrations in all!
- Money-saving packages are available.
- New appendix covers Advance Practice Procedures for the Critical Care Paramedic.
- A new back-of-book skills DVD features step-by-step videos of 13 ALS skills and printable National Registry Skills Sheets for practicing required skills.
- RAPID Paramedic pocket guide contains quick reference information useful both in the classroom and in the field. Available separately or as part of a package.
- New herbal appendix for pharmacology chapter.
- Mosby's Drug Consult CD-ROM is added to each text, offering you over 22,000 unbiased drug entries with generic, U.S. brand name, and international brand names - all at the click of a mouse.
- An updated quick reference for approximately 60 emergency drugs.
- Completely revised instructor resources make class preparation easier.