Perfect for mastering key pharmacology topics and drugs, MOSBY'S PHARMACOLOGY MEMORY NOTECARDS is a colorfully illustrated collection of spiral-bound cards with a variety of learning aids, illustrations, and mnemonics. With every topic from administration to the many types of drugs, these cards take a visual approach to help you master difficult pharmacology content for both nursing school and the NCLEX exam.
- UNIQUE! Includes 92 full-color illustrated mnemonics for individual drugs and difficult pharmacology concepts to help you remember even the most complex topics.
- What You Need to Know drug monographs on the back of each image include valuable information about each drug with drug classification, action, uses, contraindications, precautions, side effects, and nursing implications information.
- UNIQUE! Color highlights draw your attention to four central topics: serous/life-threatening implications, most frequent side effects, important nursing implications, and patient teaching.
- Spiral-bound at the top with substantial paper, these notecards are durable and portable.