In this popular text that has trained thousands in the petroleum industry for years, Dr. Norman Hyne takes readers through upstream operations--from how oil and gas are formed; how to find commercial quantities; how to drill, evaluate, and complete a well--all the way through production and improved oil recovery. He uses lots of pictures, graphs, and illustrations to aid readers in understanding topics and to provide necessary visuals.
Read it cover-to-cover as a complete primer, read it a section at a time as it comes up in your profession, and keep it handy as a quick reference.
New to this edition:
A chapter on unconventional oil and gas (including gas shales)
Modern tools used in well logging
Modern drilling rig methods and equipment
Expanded glossary includes 1,500 new terms
More figures and plates
Up-to-date statistics
New to this edition:
A chapter on unconventional oil and gas (including gas shales)
Modern tools used in well logging
Modern drilling rig methods and equipment
Expanded glossary includes 1,500 new terms
More figures and plates
Up-to-date statistics