In this swoony and spooky teen summer romance graphic novel set on a Texas ranch, sixteen-year-old Cade Muoz finds himself falling for the ranch owners mysterious and handsome son, only to discover that he may be harboring a dangerous secret. Cade has always loved to escape into the world of a good horror movie. After all, horror movies are scarybut to Cade, a closeted queer Latino teen growing up in rural Texasreal life can be way scarier. When Cade is sent to spend the summer working as a ranch hand to help earn extra money for his family, he is horrified. Cade hates everything about the ranch, from the early mornings to the mountains of horse poop he has to clean up. The only silver lining is the company of the two teens who live therein particular, the ruggedly handsome and enigmatic Henry. But as unexpected sparks begin to fly between Cade and Henry, things getcomplicated. Henry is reluctant to share the details of his mothers death, and Cade begins to wonder what else he might be hiding. Inspired by the gothic romance of Jane Austens Northanger Abbey and perfect for fans of Heartstopper and Bloom comes a modern love story so romantic its scary.