Patient Assessment Tutorials: A Step-By-Step Procedures Guide For The Dental Hygienist

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Jill S. Gehrig RDH MA
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The ability to accurately assess patients is vital to the practice of Dental Hygienea complete and accurate assessment is the starting point to providing thorough patient care. Patient Assessment Tutorials takes you through the process of patient assessment, and provides you with information on both the actual physical assessment as well as effective patient communication. The highly visual, step-by-step style teaches you vital assessment processes quickly and thoroughly. Excellent features include detailed, full-color illustrations and photographs to visually guide you through procedures and techniques, case studies and personal accounts that bring the content to life, and more.
Patient Assessment Tutorials: A Step-By-Step Guide for the Dental Hygienist hasmany features designed to facilitate learning and teaching.
1. Module Overview and Outline. Each module begins with a conciseoverview of the module content. The module outline makes iteasier to locate material within the module. The outline providesthe reader with an organizational framework with which toapproach new material. Learning objectives assist students inrecognizing and studying important concepts in each chapter.
2. Peak Procedures. Step-by-step instructions are provided for each patientassessment procedure.
For students, the Peak Procedures section provides a straightforward,step-by-step guide for practicing and perfectingassessment techniques. The self-instructional format allows thelearner to work independentlyfostering student autonomyand decision-making skills.
For educators, the Peak Procedures section provides a reliable,evidence-based blueprint for the standardization of facultymembers in the instruction and evaluation of patient assessmentprocedures.
3. Ready References. The Ready References provide rapid access toimportant information on each assessment topic. For example,there is a Ready Reference with the most commonly prescribedmedications. The Ready Reference features are designed to beremoved from the book, laminated or placed in plastic pageprotectors, and assembled in a notebook for use in the clinicalsetting.
4. The Human Element. This module feature focuses on the peoplepart of patient assessment. Students, patients, and experiencedclinicians were invited to share their experiences in this section ofthe modules. The features Through the Eyes of a Student,Through the Eyes of a Patient, and Advice from an ExperiencedClinician speak to the human element of the assessment process.In these real-life accounts, students share their struggles andtriumphs with patient assessment procedures. Patient accountsevoke empathy and pride in the impact of caregiving. In addition,this section provides a means for experienced practicing cliniciansto pass on tips on assessment to students who are anxious toperfect these skills.
5. Internet Sites for Information Gathering.A list of Internet sites ineach module encourages students to develop skills in onlineinformation gathering. With the rapid explosion of knowledge inthe dental and medical sciences, a student can no longer expect tolearn everything that he or she needs to know, now and forever,in a few years of professional training. Reference books in printcannot be relied upon for the most up-to-date information.Therefore, students must learn how to quickly retrieve accurateinformation from reliable Internet sites, such as MEDLINE.
6. English-to-Spanish Phrase Lists. As the Spanish-speakingpopulation increases, clinicians encounter growing numbers ofSpanish-speaking patients in dental clinics and offices. Teachingstudents to pronounce and speak Spanish is well beyond thescope of this book. For those times when a trained translator isnot available, however, the modules include English-to-Spanishphrase lists with phrases pertinent to the assessment process. Touse these phrase lists, the student clinician simply points to aspecific phrase in the list to facilitate communication with aSpanish-speaking patient.
7. Fictitious Patient Cases AE. Fictitious Patient Cases AEpromote the students application of chapter information topatient care, much in the same way that he or she needs to dowhen caring for a real patient. With each module, moreinformation is revealed about each patients assessment findings.For example, Module 4 reveals the medical histories of fictitiousPatients AE. Module 9 provides the patients blood pressurereadings. This progressive disclosure of assessment findingsparallels the manner in which students collect information on apatient in the clinical setting, gleaning new nuggets ofinformation with each assessment procedure performed. In eachmodule, the student is asked to interpret the assessment findingsrevealed in the module, relate it to information about the patientfrom previous chapters, and make decisions about patient carebased upon these assessment findings.
8. Quick Questions. The Quick Questions feature at the end of eachmodule provides a quick review of chapter content.
9. Skill Check. The Module Skill Evaluation procedure checklistsallow a student to self-evaluate his or her strengths andlimitations in performing the assessment procedure and toidentify additional learning needs. The checklists also providebenchmarks for instructor evaluation of student skill proficiency.
Suggestions for communication role-plays are provided on theInstructor Resource CD for this textbook. Communicationchecklists in the modules allow students to practice and self evaluatetheir communication skills and to identify areas forimprovement. The checklists also provide benchmarks forinstructor evaluation of student skill proficiency incommunicating with patients.
10. Terminology and Glossary of Terms.Terminology pertinent topatient assessment is highlighted in bold type and clearly definedwithin each module. The Glossary in the back of the bookprovides quick access to terminology.
11. Comprehensive Fictitious Patient Cases FK.Module 17 of thebook is comprised of comprehensive patient cases. This modulepresents an entirely new comprehensive patient case. All patientassessment data gathered for a patient is presented and the studentis challenged to interpret and use the assessment information incare planning for the patient.