Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine (Pocket Notebook) Fifth Edition

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Marc S. Sabatine MD MPH
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Prepared by residents and attending physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, the 5th edition of Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine provides key clinical information and solutions to common problems faced in the practice of internal medicine.
Designed to fit in a pocket, this 6-ring looseleaf binder tackles the diagnosis and treatment of the most common disorders in cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, rheumatology, and neurology.
Bulleted lists combined with tables and algorithms allow busy clinicians to find the information they need rapidly. A 16-page color insert displays classic normal and abnormal radiographs, CT scans, echocardiograms, peripheral blood smears, and urinalyses seen in the practice of internal medicine.
Completely updated, this highly regarded, best-selling reference is ideal for medical students, interns, residents, and candidates reviewing for internal medicine board exams.
User-friendly 2-color design
Small enough to fit in a pocket
6-ring binder to accommodate notes
Tabs help locate major organ systems quickly
Contenthasbeenfullyupdatedtoincludethemostrecentinformation across the full breadth of inpatient internal medicine.

If you purchased a copy of Sabatine: Pocket Medicine 5e, ISBN 978-1-4511-8237-8, please make note of the following important correction on page 1-36:

Oral anticoagulation (Chest 2012;141:e531S; EHJ 2012;33:2719; Circ 2013;127:1916)

All valvular AF as stroke risk very high

Nonvalv. AF: stroke risk ~4.5%/y; anticoag 68% stroke; use a risk score to guide Rx:

CHADS2: CHF (1 point), HTN (1), Age 75 y (1), DM (1), prior Stroke/TIA (2)

CHA2DS2-VASc: adds 6574 y (1) 75 y (2), vasc dis. [MI, Ao plaque, or PAD (1)]; ? (1)

score 2 anticoag; score 1 consider anticoag or ASA (? latter reasonable if risk factor age 65-74 y, vasc dis. or ?); antithrombotic Rx even if rhythm control [SCORE CORRECTED]

Rx options: factor Xa or direct thrombin inhib (non-valv only; no monitoring required) or
warfarin (INR 2-3; w/ UFH bridge if high risk of stroke); if Pt refuses anticoag, consider

ASA + clopi or, even less effective, ASA alone (NEJM 2009;360:2066)

Please make note of this correction in your copy of Sabatine: Pocket Medicine 5e immediately and contact LWWs Customer Service Department at1.800.638.3030 or 1.301.223.2300so that you may be issued a corrected page 1-36. You may also download a PDF of page 1-36 directly from www.lww.com/PocketMedicine.

All copies of Pocket Medicine, 5e with the ISBN: 978-1-4511-9378-7 include this correction.