$22.25 - $25.19 -
Beacon Press
The Essential Marcuse: Selected Writings of Philosopher and Social Critic Herbert Marcuse
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The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception and Communication Today
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Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
Malebranche: Philosophical Selections (Hackett Classics)
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Descartes, Rene/ Cottingham, John (TRN)/ Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen (INT)
Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
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Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
Sieys: Political Writings: Including the Debate Between Sieyes and Tom Paine in 1791 (Hackett Classics)
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Cambridge University Press
Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
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