The Jack-Roller: A Delinquent Boy's Own Story (Phoenix Books)
$35.26 - $42.46 -
The Galapagos Affair (Pimlico)
$25.77 - $33.76 -
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Criminal Justice
$83.29 - $300.00 -
A Thesis Resource Guide for Criminology and Criminal Justice
$57.81 - $68.76 -
Law, Courts, and Justice in America, Seventh Edition
$73.24 - $300.00 -
Raised by the Courts: One Judge's Insight into Juvenile Justice
$16.95 - $32.81 -
Brand: Jones Bartlett Learning
Write & Wrong: Writing Within Criminal Justice, A Student Workbook
$36.53 - $52.70 -
Imogene L Moyer
Criminological Theories: Traditional and Non-Traditional Voices and Themes
$15.76 - $212.19