Bob Blitzers unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets readers engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the full scope of the mathematics is just the first step. Blitzer draws in the reader with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question When will I ever use this? Readers stay engaged because the book helps them remain focused as they study. The three-step learning systemSee It, Hear It, Try Itmakes examples easy to follow, while frequent annotations offer the support and guidance of an instructors voice. Every page is interesting and relevant, ensuring that readers will actually use their textbook to achieve success!
Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra; Functions and Graphs; Polynomial and Rational Functions; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Trigonometric Functions; Analytic Trigonometry; Additional Topics in Trigonometry
For all readers interested in college algebra.