Adaptable for instructors with various teaching styles, PROBLEMS IN CONTRACT LAW: Cases and Materials provides a balanced approach to traditional case analysis, problem-based instruction, and theoretical inquiry. Now in its Sixth Edition, this casebook offers a highly intelligent, contemporary treatment of contract law and maintains the success of its previous editions, in part, by including a variety of perspectives and contractual settings.
This edition retains the great features that have made the book a dependable source. It:
- incorporates a balanced blend of traditional and contemporary cases
- includes explanatory notes and text that help students place cases in a larger context and explore related points
- offers significant treatment of the CISG
- maintains the Fifth Edition¿s reflection of complexity of current 21st century contract law with its varied strains and constant flux
- provides three accompanying ancillaries: 1. an outstanding, detailed Teacher's Manual with sample syllabi for various credit courses, sample lesson plans, specific questions, and detailed analyses of all problems in the book 2. a companion statutory and case supplement: Rules of Contract Law, 2007¿2008 Edition (available August 2007) 3. a website with related material for instructors¿ use
Many updates make this an even more valuable source for your classroom. The Sixth Edition:
- reorganizes chapters 2 and 3 dealing with the traditional basis for contract formation and liability under other theories
- presents new material examining the strains increasingly exerted on the conventional contract law system over the past 10-15 years by new forms of contracting (electronic, etc.) and by the increased use of mandatory arbitration clauses in mass adhesion contracting (e.g., banks, communications providers, hospitals)
- provides increased flexibility for professors who prefer to reorder the chapters rather than teach them in a more linear sequence
- shortens the notes, relocating student-oriented material to the website and professor-oriented material to the Teacher's Manual
;An author website to support classroom instruction using this title is available at