The third installment of the Reading Street series, Grade 3, delivers structured content designed for children who have a firm foundation in English and Language Arts and are ready to continue on the path to lifelong reading. This curriculum for homeschooling brings together classic reading selections, fun activities and parent/teacher guides to help you develop lessons that boost your student's English and Language Arts learning. As with all levels of Reading Street, Grade 3 was created using educational research to ensure your child is guided through his or her work by age-appropriate and cutting-edge content.
Each week, your child will work through a series of reading and writing activities that center around a Big Idea. This structure supports your child's critical thinking skills and ensures he or she builds knowledge suitable for a child in third Grade. By the end of the year, children at this level in their homeschooling program should be able to:
- Read third-grade level material at a steady pace.
- Identify errors when reading aloud and know how to correct them.
- Answer questions using examples from the text.
- Comprehend and explain main ideas found in the reading.
- Develop a point of view different than those of characters in stories.
- Edit writing after completing it.
- Use transitions in writing, such as therefore, for example and also.
Reading Street: Grade 3 will give you the tools you need to achieve these learning goals during your homeschool program. Grade 3 comes in a two-volume set that's packed with engaging reading materials and helpful teacher tools. You'll be able to keep tabs on your child's progress through this level by using the assessment materials. If your child needs to revisit a certain lesson, you can ensure he or she does so and fully comprehends the subject.
Check out these and other great components of Reading Street: Grade 3 by visiting the Features and Benefits page.