La RVR 1960 Biblia Mis Quince engalana la tradicin de celebrar de manera especial el cumpleaos de quince de una jovencita. Esta edicin ofrece varias cubiertas especiales y atractivas para escoger. Incluye una adorable caja de regalo, y cuenta con una seccin para registrar los recuerdos especiales de este gran evento.
Pgina de presentacin
Seccin de registro familiar
Palabras de Cristo en rojo
Referencias a pie de pgina
365 citas bblicas populares
Cinta marcadora
Caja de regalo
The RVR 1960 Biblia Mis Quince honors the tradition of celebrating a girls fifteenth birthday by presenting her with a very special Bible. This LeatherTouch editionwith gilded page edges is tastefully designed in pink,white and foil stamp. It is also gift-boxed and features a section for keeping record of special memories.
Presentation page
Special memories record selection
Words of Christ in red
End-of-page references
365 popular Bible verses
Ribbon marker
Gift box
Pgina de presentacin
Seccin de registro familiar
Palabras de Cristo en rojo
Referencias a pie de pgina
365 citas bblicas populares
Cinta marcadora
Caja de regalo
The RVR 1960 Biblia Mis Quince honors the tradition of celebrating a girls fifteenth birthday by presenting her with a very special Bible. This LeatherTouch editionwith gilded page edges is tastefully designed in pink,white and foil stamp. It is also gift-boxed and features a section for keeping record of special memories.
Presentation page
Special memories record selection
Words of Christ in red
End-of-page references
365 popular Bible verses
Ribbon marker
Gift box