Limpia el espejo de tu linaje femenino, cultiva tu verdadero ser. Las mujeres podemos tener futuros felices si sanamos nuestro pasado. Has experimentado el sndrome de la impostora? Te has sentido insuficiente? Culpable por querer ms? Tienes vergenza? Crees que necesitas ser pequea, estar callada y bien portada para ser amada? Si la respuesta a estas preguntas es afirmativa, sufres de una herida que va ms all de tu madre, tu abuela, e incluso de tu familia. Es una lesin generacional del colectivo femenino. La buena noticia es que la puedes trabajar y curar a nivel personal. Desde su experiencia como terapeuta, Aura Medina de Wit te guiar para atender el pensamiento de ser menos que has internalizado para as evitar pasarlo a tus hijas. Con su ayuda podrs dejar de tolerar el trato abusivo, parar de competir compulsivamente con otras mujeres, abandonar comportamientos txicos como el autosabotaje, la rigidez y el control absurdo. Aprende, de la mano de Aura, a reconocerte en tu individualidad, agradecer tu femineidad y fluir siendo completamente t. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Cleanse the mirror of your female line, cultivate your true self. Women can have happy futures if we heal our past. Have you ever experienced impostor syndrome? Have you ever felt inadequate, guilty for wanting more? Do you feel ashamed? Do you think you need to play small, keep quiet, and be well behaved to be loved? If the answer to all these questions is yes, you have a wound that goes beyond your mother, your grandmother, and even your family. It is a generational injury from the female collective. The good news is you can work on it and heal it at a personal level. Based on her experience as a therapist, Aura Medina de Wit will guide you to address that idea of being less that you have internalized, so you avoid passing it down to your own daughters. With her help youll be able to stop tolerating abuse, stop competing compulsively with other women, give up toxic behaviors, such as self-sabotage, inflexibility, and absurd control. Hand in hand with Aura, learn how to acknowledge yourself within your own individuality, be thankful for your femininity, and flow while being entirely you.
Sanando la herida materna / Healing the Maternal Wound (Spanish Edition)
$23.35 - $26.33
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Sanando la herida materna / Healing the Maternal Wound (Spanish Edition)
- SKU:
- UPC:
- 9786073809672
- Maximum Purchase:
- 2 units
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 11/29/2022
- Release Date:
- 11/29/2022
- Author:
- Medina De Wit, Aura
- Language:
- Spanish: Published; Spanish: Original Language; Spanish
- Pages:
- 328

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