The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Program to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence, and Happine ss
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New Harbinger Publications
The PTSD Workbook: Simple, Effective Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress Symptoms
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Pesi Publishing & Media
The Anxiety, Worry & Depression Workbook: 65 Exercises, Worksheets & Tips to Improve Mood and Feel Better
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Workman Publishing Company
Paint by Sticker: Music Icons: Re-create 10 Classic Photographs One Sticker at a Time!
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Harvest House Publishers
30 Days to Taming Your Tongue: What You Say (and Don't Say) Will Improve Your Relationships
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Disney Villains Color-by-Number
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Free Press
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
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New Harbinger Publications
The Mindful Twenty-Something: Life Skills to Handle Stressand Everything Else
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New Harbinger Publications
Thoughts and Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods and Your Life
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Well Within
Take Back Your Life: A Caregiver's Guide to Finding Freedom in the Midst of Overwhelm
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