Siddhartha / In Spanish (Spanish Edition)


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Hesse, Hermann
Spanish: Published; Spanish: Original Language; Spanish
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Nominada por los estadounidenses como una de las 100 mejores novelas en la serie de PBS The Great American Read. Esta novela, ambientada en la India tradicional, relata la vida de Siddhartha, un hombre para quien el camino de la verdad pasa por la renuncia y la comprensin de la unidad que subyace en todo lo existente. En sus pginas, el autor ofrece todas las opciones espirituales del hombre. Hermann Hesse buce en el alma de Oriente a fin de aportar sus aspectos positivos a nuestra sociedad. Siddhartha es la obra ms representativa de este proceso y ha ejercido una gran influencia en la cultura occidental del siglo xx. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Nominated as one of Americas best-loved novels by PBSs The Great American Read The classic novel of a quest for knowledge that has delighted, inspired, and influenced generations of readers, writers, and thinkersa perennial favorite for graduation gifts. Though set in a place and time far removed from the Germany of 1922, the year of the books debut, the novel is infused with the sensibilities of Hermann Hesses time, synthesizing disparate philosophiesEastern religions, Jungian archetypes, Western individualisminto a unique vision of life as expressed through one mans search for meaning. It is the story of the quest of Siddhartha, a wealthy Indian Brahmin who casts off a life of privilege and comfort to seek spiritual fulfillment and wisdom. On his journey, Siddhartha encounters wandering ascetics, Buddhist monks, and successful merchants, as well as a courtesan named Kamala and a simple ferryman who has attained enlightenment. Traveling among these people and experiencing lifes vital passageslove, work, friendship, and fatherhoodSiddhartha discovers that true knowledge is guided from within.