Further titles in the new Lifelong Learning: Personal Effectiveness Guides by Rosalie Marsh, which draw from her extensive skills & industrial experience in sales management, and work-based learning in adult and further education. It is a step in the personal and professional development journey where development of the whole person is at the heart of Marsh's ethos. . In two parts, Skills for Employability - designed to be read in bite-sized chunks - will focus on some of the skills you need in order to impress an employer, stand out from the rest, become employed, and enhance your future.
Part One looks at the Pre-Employment skills needed.
Part Two looks at what you need to know when you move into employment.
Features of Skills for Employability Part One. Each chapter details the Learning Outcomes and relevance to other qualifications such as Functional Skills. At the end of each topic, there will be a series of short practical activities for self assessment for learners to see how far they have 'travelled' in gaining knowledge and understandin. In turn this will add to a sense of achievement. Much of the content will feed in to the Entry Level or Level 1 / 2 Awards and Certificate in Employability and Personal Development, Personal Life Skills, Employability Skills and in particular SSA 14.1 Foundations for Learning and Life & 14.2 Preparation for Work, and Functional Skills; all of which are linked to the Qualification Credit Framework (QCF).
All content will relate to the current gaps in knowledge& understanding and softer skills for those who are pre-employment e.g. school leavers; 16-18 year old unemployed; returners to work; learners with disabilities who are seeking a change of employment; in employment and seeking to enhance their prospects or between jobs. The book is lavishly illustrated to enhance text.
There are links to websites e.g. for legislation. This provides more interaction and variety for the learner and ensures currency. Adult Literacy and Numeracy is not be addressed in this book as there are many excellent books available. Benefits:
After completing Skills for Employability Part One, readers will:
- Have more awareness of the standards of behaviour and requirements of employers Have completed short practical activities, which aim to test their understanding.
- Have raised their self-esteem and confidence.
- Have an awareness and understanding of the business environment.
- Have some basic knowledge and understanding, which could be presented for accreditation of prior learning for City & Guilds Awards/Certificates in Employability and Personal Development, vocational qualifications, or company training programmes.
Features and Benefits.
Overview of Skills for Employability Part One.
Chapter One. Preparing for Work
Chapter Two. Job Applications.
Chapter Three. Working Effectively in the Workplace.
Chapter Four. ICT Skills in the Workplace
Progression. Where do I go from here?.
Useful Links and Resources.
Further Reading.