Plumer's Principles and Practice of Infusion Therapy
$35.09 - $139.08 -
Brand: Duke University Press Books
The Social Medicine Reader, Second Edition: Vol. 3: Health Policy, Markets, and Medicine
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Brand: Lippincott Williams Wilkins
Lippincott Handbook for Psychiatric Nursing and Care Planning
$20.74 - $300.00 -
The Helping Interview With Case Illustration
$26.55 - $300.00 -
Guidelines for Perioperative Practice 2016
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Disability and Public Health
$160.10 - $194.95 -
Brand: Slack Incorporated
Occupational Therapy Interventions: Function and Occupations
$84.82 - $106.59 -
Brand: Amer Nurses Assn
Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice (ANA, Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice)
$20.36 - $24.64 -
Drugs and the Brain (Scientific American Library)
$12.91 - $37.64 -
Prentice Hall's Reviews & Rationales: Comprehensive NCLEX-PN Review
$182.90 - $207.50 -
Brand: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
Health Care Financial Management for Nurse Managers
$23.29 - $28.49