Startup DPC: How To Start And Grow Your Direct Primary Care Practice

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Thomas MD, Paul
English: Published; English: Original Language; English
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We all know that our current healthcare system is broken, especially for primary care doctors and their patients. Primary care physicians have to see more and more patients in less and less time in order to keep up with declining reimbursement from insurance companies. This leads to rushed office visits, missed opportunities for genuine connections between doctors and their patients, frustrated patients, and burned out doctors. But it doesn't have to be this way. Direct primary care offers a real opportunity at a fulfilling practice of medicine. Its a golden opportunity to restructure your time, build the practice of your dreams, and spend your best hours taking care of patients and prioritizing your family life, rather than wasting time as a data entry clerk for an insurance company. In short, direct primary care gives you the opportunity to become the doctor that you're meant to be. But how do you get this done? How do you go from a less-than-fulfilled doctor in the dysfunctional fee-for-service system to an empowered, entrepreneurial direct primary care physician capable of starting their own successful DPC practice? The answers you're seeking are in this book!My name is Dr. Paul Thomas, and I'm a Board Certified Family Medicine Doctor - I launched my own direct primary care practice straight out of residency in Southwest Detroit with over $100,000 in student loan debt. In my first month of practice, I had 7 patients. A few years later, we have over 700 patients, and I've hired a medical assistant and a second family doctor to help me manage the growing demand for our services. I was named the entrepreneur of the year in 2018 by the Detroit Vanguard Awards, I gave a TEDxDetroit talk on direct primary care, and I've been featured in the Detroit Free Press, Reason Magazine, CBS Radio, Detroit's ABC affiliate WXYZ, Detroit's NBC affiliate WDIV, and Crain's Detroit Business. I've also been a speaker multiple times at the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) DPC Summit, the Direct Primary Care Nuts and Bolts Conference, and the Hint Health DPC Summit. In this book, I'm going to teach you everything I know about direct primary care and about starting a successful direct primary care practice. Here's a smattering of the topics that we'll cover: - How to have the right mindset to be successful in your direct primary care journey- How to become the doctor you're meant to be- What a typical day looks like for a direct primary care doctor- How to finance your direct primary care startup- How to raise money for your DPC practice- How to overcome a lack of business training in medical school and residency- How to construct the perfect timeline for starting your DPC practice- How to write a business plan for your direct primary care clinic- How to start a direct primary care practice straight out of residency- How to convert an existing fee-for-service clinic to a direct primary care practice while remaining profitable - What's the difference between direct primary care and concierge medicine- How to hire a second doctor for your DPC practice- How to find a profitable location for your DPC practice- How to negotiate a lease deal for your medical practice - How to build out the medical office of your dreams- How to attract patients to your direct primary care practice- How to brand your practice so you stand out in your marketplace- How to build your personal brand to grow your direct primary care practiceAnd so much more! By picking up this book, you may be taking your first step in starting your direct primary care practice, or you may be taking the next big leap in growing your direct primary care practice. I know that whoever you are, and whichever stage you're at in your DPC journey, this book will inspire you and demonstrate in concrete methods how you can be even more successful.Here's to your success in the growing DPC movement! - Dr. Paul Thomas