Summoned to Lead

HarperCollins Christian Pub.

$31.09 - $37.59
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Leonard Sweet
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Leadership Re-Visioned Cast a vision, set a strategy, rally the troops, and take the hillyou dont need another book to rehash the well-worn principles of modern leadership. But if youre looking for something different, something that . . . approaches leadership as an art as well as a science inspires hope and expectation in those of us who arent born leaders challenges those with leadership roles to explore new possibilities . . . then Leonard Sweet wants to help you discover a very different kind of leadership vision. Its one you hear if your ears are open, and it could summon you at any time. When you respond, the puzzle pieces of who you are will fit together into a leader others follow because youve answered a call, not trained for a position. The church has it all wrong. It is trying to train leaders. Instead, it ought to train everyone to listen and to develop their own soundtrack. Leaders dont see a vision, says Sweet, they hear one. Sound becomes sight. Leaders hear life. For a sonogram of acoustic leadership, Sweet takes us inside the incredible account of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the celebrated polar explorer who led his entire crew of twenty-seven from disaster in the Antarctic to safety. Called the greatest leader that ever came on Gods earth, bar none, Shackleton objectifies the goals of Sweets own exploration in search of wisdom for today and tomorrows truly compelling, voice-activated leaders. Right now, you may be leading many people or just yourself. But who knows what tomorrowor a minute from nowwill call forth in you. Are your ears open?