My name is Bobby Singer. In twenty-four hours Im gonna lose my memory. So heres everything you need to know.
Monsters, demons, angels, vampires, the boogeyman under your bed: Ive seen it, Ive hunted it, Ive killed it. Im not the only hunter out here, but there arent as many as there used to be. Not near as many as there need to be. Ive learned everything I can about every damned critter that walks, crawls, or flies, and Im not gonna let that all be for nothing. Im not going down without a fight. Im not letting everything Ive learned disappear. So thats what youre holding in your handseverything I know. Anything thatd be useful for Sam, Dean, and the hunters that come after me.
Its a guide to hunting...its a guide to me. My last will and testament. Ya idjits.