Technique Systems in Chiropractic describes and analyzes the most commonly used techniques in today's chiropractic. These techniques, sometimes called brand-name or proprietary techniques, each provide a step-by-step protocol for proceeding from examination findings to adjustive and other treatment procedures. This book describes over two dozen technique systems in a nonjudgemental but critical manner, summarizing the available research and drawing conclusions as to what is actually known about them, compared with what the technique innovators themselves say.
- Describes and analyses over two dozen of the most widely known and used chiropractic technique systems, in alphabetical order.
- Uses a common format for each technique system, allowing the reader to easily locate desired information and draw comparisons between techniques.
- Features chapters on chiropractic terminology, as well as examination and adjustive methods that are common to many technique systems.
- Compiles and summarizes the relevant research on each technique, drawing summary conclusions and clearly identifying what is known and what is not known about each.
- Explains why there have been so many technique systems in chiropractic, past and present, and how this relates to issues of jurisprudence, practice parameters, and guidelines for care.
- Explores the interface between chiropractic technique systems and the movement toward evidence-based chiropractic (EBC).
- Presents demographic information on the rates of utilization of each technique in the United States and Canada.
- Includes a glossary of technique-specific terms and jargon.