A resource for worshipers today looking to change hardened worship patterns
that stand in the way of everyday spirituality.
All too often, those who attend church or synagogue find themselves bored or baffled by the service. Their predominant thought is how slowly the time ticks byand that the service never seems to end.
Written for laypeople and clergy of any denomination, The Art of Public Prayer examines how and why religious ritual worksand why it often doesn't work.
The Art of Public Prayer uses psychology, social science, theology and common sense to explain the key roles played by ritual, symbolism, liturgy and song in services. Each chapter features conversation points designed to get you and your faith community thinking and talking about your own worship patternswhere they succeed, and where they need improvement.
The Art of Public Prayer can help you and your fellow congregants revitalize your worship service by allowing you to organize and direct your own worship, making it a meaningful and fulfilling part of your life.